

Return to the North

I had a lovely last night at home, we went to La Tasca and then to see The Woman In Black at the Fortune Theatre. It was fascinating, so cleverly done with a cast of 3 playing all the parts, one single set and very few props for so many locations. They create the eerie atmosphere so simply and so well with lighting and sounds. And the good ol twist at the end (but I won't give it away) An impressive captivating play.

I'm back in Preston now, getting back in to the swing o things; cooking, cleaning, classes and catching up with everybody.

We've started Design History this week, which I love, and the lecturer this year is hilarious, which is even more promising. Our first project is for bespoke bag designers Nook and Willow And with the Hong Kong PolyU global entrepreneurship challenge, Spanish and looking for placements, I think it's going to be an exciting term YAY.

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