

How to create a Super Olympic Legacy...

While I was at The Future Laboratory I came across this splendid project by the superbly named, a 4 person strong, architecture and design collective Studio Superniche.

The idea of the “The Olympic Legacy Toolkit” venture is to use the 11 miles of blue plywood fence that surround the Olympic site to construct temporary but useful structures that will benefit and enhance local neighbourhoods.

The Toolkit comprises of six structures conceived to involve the niche user groups of the area:

‘Kiosk’ for the market stall holders, ‘Boathouse’ for the model boating population, ‘Allotment Shed’ for the gardening society, ‘Gallery Cube’ for the culture vultures and my two personal favourites; ‘Ping Pong Pavilion’ for the keen ping pongers and ‘Birdhide’, designed as a response to the devoted bird watching community of the Lea Valley.

I think it’s a marvellous project; sustainably developing the wasted fence, for civic good, as expressed by Superniche; to “activate the vacant plots and allow communities to reclaim the vast empty landscape as their own”. It is thoughtful, fun, personal and most importantly involves the people the Olympics and the fence affect most, those who will be there long after the games are over.

And another couple of nice little touches to finish off; I love the rather appropriate blue design of the leaflet too - utterly captivating. And the 4 of them have also created another Olympic ‘tool’ and sailed down the River Lea in a
little blue boat made from the Olympic fence.

Images above: Studio Superniche; The Olympic Legacy Toolkit structures: Kiosk, Boathouse, Gallery Cube, Allotment Shed, Ping Pong Pavillion and Birdhouse; The Olympic Legacy Toolkit Leaflet by Studio Superniche; Hoardings Boat by Studio Superniche. All images courtesy of Sudio Superniche themselves

Posted via email from nell's posterous

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogspot! I understand this more than posterous...

    Very interesting post too dear Ellie.

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