

A Global Challenge, from the UK to Hong Kong

I have just got back from my Hong Kong adventure and the PolyU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Student Challenge with my wonderful team, Brogan, Steph, Ness and Elena, bearing some super news which I just can’t keep in any longer…

We came 2nd… and. also won the Lifestyle theme award! (I'm trying to cut down on my exclamation mark usage as I o.d. on them a touch - but I think in this case it is worthy of one, maybe even 2...!)

We have been working on our business plan for a year and half now. Children’s raincoats, with a magical twist (I’m not sure I should say exactly what the magic twist is… just in case someone is sneaking round the internet blogosphere searching for a marvelous business idea.)

It feels like it was the perfect end.

I still feel a bit flabbergasted, completely shocked, but over the moon.

And who knows what we might decide to do yet

I think the best part (apart from our win – that bit was pretty exciting too) was being able to meet so many great, interesting, different yet likeminded people from all around the world. It was fantastic to bring so many countries together in such a tiny place.

And then there’s Hong Kong itself… absolutely spectacular. I feel as though I was only just beginning to uncover their culture and the wonders it holds. PolyU kept us pretty busy but we managed to squeeze in some exploring too (Plenty of blogging material) Just enough insight to tempt me back one day

Posted via email from nell's posterous

1 comment:

  1. ahh wicked, well done!(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) i didn't know anything about you doing all this. i guess that is the trouble of living the whole country apart. would be ace if we could catch up more, your're me fav southern lady!
