

Where light equals prosperity

I wasn't exactly sure where to start with my mega Hong Kong photo album, but the topic of light kept coming back to the front of my mind. It was definitely something that I noticed a lot and that caught my eye out there (there was so much it was hard not to) I remember thinking on out first night "Hong Kong must be pretty high up there on the world's most prolific contributors to light pollution list”


And Hahn Chu, the environmental affairs manager for Friends of the Earth thinks that the problem is getting worse too: "Hong Kong always thinks the brighter things are, the more prosperous we seem…”


(Well I reckon they must be successful by now then)


Every street was adorned in array of neon signs and giant glowing billboards. I was completely entranced every time we went out. And the light shows and views from Victoria Harbour were a beautiful sparkling scene made all the more spectacular with glimmering reflections


Perhaps a light’s out period wouldn’t go amiss... but it was utterly mesmerizing.


Photos: The streets of Hong Kong by me ©Ellie Osborne


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